Thursday, March 13, 2008


Spring Break has finally arrived!! let me say that again....SPRING BREAK HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!! Thank you Lord! Oklahoma here I come:)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Crazy Cold Chicago

So i am still alive. 

These past few weeks have been crazier than crazy!!!! and it is still not done. let me just say how ready i am for spring break:) i cannot wait to be back in oklahoma! to be with my family, friends, dogs and oh yah good ole mexican food!!!! i am almost there! last night i went to chicago to see wicked for the second time, and of course it was amazing! such a great show i highly recommend anyone to see it! i love the city, chicago is such a pretty city. when it gets a little warmer, i will have to eat, walk, shop, sip some coffee and just be in the city. i am such a city girl!!! 

p.s. um.....its march and its still snowing.........who does that???

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Oscars!!!

last night i watched the oscars, and i thought it was fantastic!! i absolutely love movies and what all goes into making a film. the winner of best movie of the year was No Country for Old Men i haven't seen this particular movie yet, but definitely plan on seeing it now. Happy 80th birthday Oscar!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

SPRING please please Come......

I don't know about any of you, but I am sure ready for spring to come. I love spring the beauty, simplicity, warmth and a sense of freshness. Spring please come soon.....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

National Pancake Day!!!fj

That is right, it is National Pancake Day!!!! This is a day where we honor one of the greatest foods, Pancakes. I eat my pancakes with tons of syrup and peanut butter:) How do you eat your pancakes???????

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hans Zimmer

I just have to say how much I love this man's work! I have been listening to all my movie soundtracks and they pretty much consist of Han Zimmer's work. He is one of the greatest film composers ever! He has made truly beautiful scores for movies like Pearl Harbor, The Lion King, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Last Samurai, Black Hawk Down, Spirit, Rain Man, Prince of Egypt,  Tears of the Sun, The Rock, and my absolute favorite Gladiator and many many more. His music brings depth, beauty, and life to each movie. Next time you see a great movie, take time to listen to the music behind it.  

Friday, February 8, 2008


What?!!!!! That is what i always say right after the most amazing show, LOST. 
Last night we finally know what, or shall we say who the "rescuers" are here for. They want good ol' Ben. Why??? any thoughts??? I have no idea, but i can't wait till next week!! 
although ben is a creepy character i think this guys who plays him is an amazing actor!! i hope he stays around so we can get to the bottom of all of this, well if there is a bottom