Thursday, March 13, 2008


Spring Break has finally arrived!! let me say that again....SPRING BREAK HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!! Thank you Lord! Oklahoma here I come:)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Crazy Cold Chicago

So i am still alive. 

These past few weeks have been crazier than crazy!!!! and it is still not done. let me just say how ready i am for spring break:) i cannot wait to be back in oklahoma! to be with my family, friends, dogs and oh yah good ole mexican food!!!! i am almost there! last night i went to chicago to see wicked for the second time, and of course it was amazing! such a great show i highly recommend anyone to see it! i love the city, chicago is such a pretty city. when it gets a little warmer, i will have to eat, walk, shop, sip some coffee and just be in the city. i am such a city girl!!! 

p.s. um.....its march and its still snowing.........who does that???