Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just when i thought the weather could get any worse. A BLIZZARD is coming. 
Good news. LOST starts tonight and Dairy Queen is opening!!! Its a good day despite the Blizzard, I will just get a Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard:) 

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Um.......So just to let everyone know that today's weather here in Kankakee is crazy! it started out @ around 50 degrees and just before dinner time its going to hit a LOW 2 degrees. So all of you in Oklahoma enjoy the sunshine! I am freezing here in the Windy City. 
But I can't complain, at least I have a coat:) 

Saturday, January 26, 2008

His Blessings

Last night I found out that I made the Spring Play!!! This means so much to me:) It is another confirmation that I am supposed to be here.  I believe that this is a blessing. He who shaped the stars and carved out the mountains took time to care for the desires of my heart. I am so psyched!! 

"delight yourself in the LORD and HE will give you the desires of you heart!"
-psalm 37.4

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Frank Turek came to Olivet to speak this week, and I have to say what he spoke on really broadened my outlook on God and how I see Him. His book I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist derives from the though that there is actual proof that there is a God. He discussed with us how many scientist who have started out believing that there is no God actually discovered the proof of a supernatural creator. One of my favorite quotes from the discussion was "Yah, I believe in the Big Bang Theory, I just know who banged it!" He really just brought into perspective of how big God really is! I always believed that there was a God, but I had no idea that there is actual proof!! That amazing to me. I don't know maybe you already knew this, but I think it was pretty amazing. The last thing he shared with us was this story of a scientist who was an atheist; the scientist explained that throughout history so many scientists have tried to climb up the mountain of the explanation of creation, and when they have finally reached the last peak with torn up hands and loss of breath, they see theologians sitting in lounge chairs saying "we have been waiting for you." I just thought it all was very interesting. What do you think?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Political Views:)

So I was watching part of the debate last night and then I watched some of the recap this morning on the news. My roommate passed by and brought up a point. She said that she hates watching the debates becuase all they do is bring each other down just so they can be seen as the best candidate. I thought about what she said and from watching last nights debate I kind of agreed and disagreed with her at the same time. Yes, i think that both Obama and Clinton could have discussed more about their policies then eachothers faults, but isn't that politics? How else are we supposed to decide and distinguish the candidates without them explaining the differences. That is why they call it a debate. If every candidate just stuck with praising themselves and not pointing out the negatives of the others, how else supposed to know what they stand on and in turn what we really stand on? I don't know, Im not the best at politics but let me know what you think? Was it too personal or just politics? 

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I thought that Olivet would have only a few LOST fans, but now as I am getting to know people the little LOST addicts are increasing daily!!! One friend of mine said that she stayed up till 6:30 in the morning just to finish the first season! LOST is addicting, its just that simple. What's not simple is the plot!!! Wait is there even a plot? All i can say is the writers are genius and I believe that they are coming to a point in which for once something will make sense. 

So for you LOST addicts....... any predictions to this next season like "who is in that casket", or is "Charlie really dead", or even "should they trust Julia."  Express your frustrations, your excitements or even your ideas of the end of the show. Peace

p.s- charlie lives!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

24 Hour Theatre!!!!

So I did this 24 Hour thing at Olivet and it was sooooooo fun!!!! Ok so the premise of it was that all student writers, directors and actor get together and just entertain our peers. The writers started out last night writing one act plays and then the directors and actors came this morning at 7:30 and picked our play and memorized and performed the plays for the student body (well not all). It was a blast. I really love theatre and being with people who love it too:) So now its rest time!!!! Peace

Friday, January 18, 2008

What an Amazing God!!!!

I just can't tell you how much I am experiencing here. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God is moving in HUGE WAYS!!!!! I have never experienced God in this way. Its sad but true. He has called me here to draw me closer to Him. I know there are other reasons, but this is the main one. I'm not saying that it has been a perfect day, but who cares! God is on our side and He guides our hearts. My spirit is just full of how Good he is. One of my favorite lines from is from one of my movies (The Chronicles of Narnia) "He is not a tame lion but he is Good!"  the Lion is just an amazing portrait of God and who He is in our lives. I love how the character Lucy is completely in awe of Aslan and will do anything to be with him and just has a simple love for him. I want that! I want to be in such love with God that it's just simple. I am learning everyday that He calls my name. He wont break down the door, but he waits patciently until i open that door to let Him in. May I be listening to that knock. Its an everyday step, but each step I take leads me closer to the King! He wants to just chat. How awesome. He is moving. He is good. 

p.s American Idol Rocked this week!! and i really want to see Cloverfield. that's all. love you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So....I usually just read blogs and stick with facebook, but I really think I should step out a little bit and write somethings that are going on in my life, in the world and stuff that are just stinkin interesting!!!! I'm not the best writer, but I do enjoy community and connecting to others through writing:) I am from Oklahoma, but God has just recently called me to Chicago to attend Olivet Nazarene University! Honestly I don't quite know what he has for me here yet, but I am choosing to wait on Him and His plan. I should be used to moving from state to state being that I am a Pastor's kid, but I have to say moving here has been a challenge and has stretched me more and more as a human being. I am excited to see what He has in store, I believe it's something beyond me. So here I am in the windy city (well close to it) in a coffee shop, sipping a latte and waiting on the Lord! When following God we must always be on our toes!!! :)