Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Political Views:)

So I was watching part of the debate last night and then I watched some of the recap this morning on the news. My roommate passed by and brought up a point. She said that she hates watching the debates becuase all they do is bring each other down just so they can be seen as the best candidate. I thought about what she said and from watching last nights debate I kind of agreed and disagreed with her at the same time. Yes, i think that both Obama and Clinton could have discussed more about their policies then eachothers faults, but isn't that politics? How else are we supposed to decide and distinguish the candidates without them explaining the differences. That is why they call it a debate. If every candidate just stuck with praising themselves and not pointing out the negatives of the others, how else supposed to know what they stand on and in turn what we really stand on? I don't know, Im not the best at politics but let me know what you think? Was it too personal or just politics? 

1 comment:

Tommy Bailey said...

If no one pointed out the darker parts of each candidate who would?

Go Obama!