Thursday, January 24, 2008

Frank Turek came to Olivet to speak this week, and I have to say what he spoke on really broadened my outlook on God and how I see Him. His book I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist derives from the though that there is actual proof that there is a God. He discussed with us how many scientist who have started out believing that there is no God actually discovered the proof of a supernatural creator. One of my favorite quotes from the discussion was "Yah, I believe in the Big Bang Theory, I just know who banged it!" He really just brought into perspective of how big God really is! I always believed that there was a God, but I had no idea that there is actual proof!! That amazing to me. I don't know maybe you already knew this, but I think it was pretty amazing. The last thing he shared with us was this story of a scientist who was an atheist; the scientist explained that throughout history so many scientists have tried to climb up the mountain of the explanation of creation, and when they have finally reached the last peak with torn up hands and loss of breath, they see theologians sitting in lounge chairs saying "we have been waiting for you." I just thought it all was very interesting. What do you think?

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