Sunday, January 20, 2008

I thought that Olivet would have only a few LOST fans, but now as I am getting to know people the little LOST addicts are increasing daily!!! One friend of mine said that she stayed up till 6:30 in the morning just to finish the first season! LOST is addicting, its just that simple. What's not simple is the plot!!! Wait is there even a plot? All i can say is the writers are genius and I believe that they are coming to a point in which for once something will make sense. 

So for you LOST addicts....... any predictions to this next season like "who is in that casket", or is "Charlie really dead", or even "should they trust Julia."  Express your frustrations, your excitements or even your ideas of the end of the show. Peace

p.s- charlie lives!


Tommy Bailey said...

Charlie is dead.

The Britz said...

You have no proof!

Tommy Bailey said...

he lives...he lives...charlie lives today!... JUST KIDDING!...i am a firm believer that unless you see characters on Lost flatlined that anything can happen!...

The Britz said...
