Saturday, January 26, 2008

His Blessings

Last night I found out that I made the Spring Play!!! This means so much to me:) It is another confirmation that I am supposed to be here.  I believe that this is a blessing. He who shaped the stars and carved out the mountains took time to care for the desires of my heart. I am so psyched!! 

"delight yourself in the LORD and HE will give you the desires of you heart!"
-psalm 37.4


The Planet Pink said...

Congratulations!! What's the play?

The Britz said...

it is called "God's Favorite" its a Neil Simon version of the story of Job. I am soooo excited thank you:)

Anonymous said...

The Britz!

I am really excited for you. Hope that it goes great. I am really glad things in chicago are going well. You rock...we really miss you, but are really happy for you!