Friday, January 18, 2008

What an Amazing God!!!!

I just can't tell you how much I am experiencing here. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God is moving in HUGE WAYS!!!!! I have never experienced God in this way. Its sad but true. He has called me here to draw me closer to Him. I know there are other reasons, but this is the main one. I'm not saying that it has been a perfect day, but who cares! God is on our side and He guides our hearts. My spirit is just full of how Good he is. One of my favorite lines from is from one of my movies (The Chronicles of Narnia) "He is not a tame lion but he is Good!"  the Lion is just an amazing portrait of God and who He is in our lives. I love how the character Lucy is completely in awe of Aslan and will do anything to be with him and just has a simple love for him. I want that! I want to be in such love with God that it's just simple. I am learning everyday that He calls my name. He wont break down the door, but he waits patciently until i open that door to let Him in. May I be listening to that knock. Its an everyday step, but each step I take leads me closer to the King! He wants to just chat. How awesome. He is moving. He is good. 

p.s American Idol Rocked this week!! and i really want to see Cloverfield. that's all. love you.

1 comment:

Tommy Bailey said...

ummm...we saw was amazing! will get nauseated but it was worth it!...Tommy & Emily