Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So....I usually just read blogs and stick with facebook, but I really think I should step out a little bit and write somethings that are going on in my life, in the world and stuff that are just stinkin interesting!!!! I'm not the best writer, but I do enjoy community and connecting to others through writing:) I am from Oklahoma, but God has just recently called me to Chicago to attend Olivet Nazarene University! Honestly I don't quite know what he has for me here yet, but I am choosing to wait on Him and His plan. I should be used to moving from state to state being that I am a Pastor's kid, but I have to say moving here has been a challenge and has stretched me more and more as a human being. I am excited to see what He has in store, I believe it's something beyond me. So here I am in the windy city (well close to it) in a coffee shop, sipping a latte and waiting on the Lord! When following God we must always be on our toes!!! :) 


Tommy Bailey said...

Yea! Brittany is a blogger now.

Unknown said...

I am not sure what came over me but I got a little teary reading your post. I know however, that the Lord has ordained something great for you right now and I can't wait to see it! Love you sister!

The Planet Pink said...

Brittany! Found you through Tommy's blog. :) Funny how the internet can make the world so small. Hope things go well for you at Olivet, I hear it's a good place. ;)

You wouldn't believe how big the girls are now. They sometimes talk about you watching over them in the nursery.

Check out my blog - my feeble attempt to chronicle life with 3 girls. It's a work in progress. I'll be checking back!